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  • Projets
    The OECD online Survey on Stakeholder Engagement for Effective Water Governance.   Please complete the Survey for 5 May 2014 or at least as soon as possible in English, French or Spanish.   This Survey aims to collect data on stakeholder engagement…
  • Projets
    INBO-Academy (International Network of Basin Organisations) y CIREF (Centro Ibérico de Restauración Fluvial), en coordinación con ECRR (European Centre for River Restoration), unen sus fuerzas para proponer a los gestores de las Organizaciones de…
  • Projets
    INBO-Academy (International Network of Basin Organisations) and CIREF (Iberian Centre for River Restoration), in coordination with ECRR (European Centre for River Restoration), join their forces to propose to Basin Organizations management staff,…
  • Projets
    The Thiess International Riverprize was first awarded in 1999, and has grown to become the world's most prestigious environmental award. There are now 15 international winners and more than 50 finalists who have demonstrated their outstanding…
  • Projets
    The Thiess International Riverprize was first awarded in 1999, and has grown to become the world's most prestigious environmental award. There are now 15 international winners and more than 50 finalists who have demonstrated their outstanding…
  • Projets
    The Thiess International Riverprize was first awarded in 1999, and has grown to become the world's most prestigious environmental award. There are now 15 international winners and more than 50 finalists who have demonstrated their outstanding…
  • Projets
    La IIe édition du colloque « Pour une Gestion durable de notre Territoire » s'est tenue le 26 avril à l'Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA) à Beyrouth, avec le FFA Liban, présidé par Reine Codsi. L'événement était réussi et a attiré un bon nombre de…
  • Projets
    "Mr. Teodoro Estrela Monreal, Head of the Hydrological Planning Office of the Júcar River Basin Authority (CHJ) in Valenica (Spain), was appointed new Permanent Technical Secretary of MENBO by Ms. María Ángeles Ureña, President of the CHJ.   CHJ…
  • Projets
    "Mr. Teodoro Estrela Monreal, Head of the Hydrological Planning Office of the Júcar River Basin Authority (CHJ) in Valenica (Spain), was appointed new Permanent Technical Secretary of MENBO by Ms. María Ángeles Ureña, President of the CHJ.   CHJ…
  • Projets
    "Mr. Teodoro Estrela Monreal, Head of the Hydrological Planning Office of the Júcar River Basin Authority (CHJ) in Valenica (Spain), was appointed new Permanent Technical Secretary of MENBO by Ms. María Ángeles Ureña, President of the CHJ.   CHJ…
  • Projets
    Geneva, 17 March 2012 – The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (UNECE Water Convention), adopted in Helsinki, Finland on 17 March 1992, celebrates…
  • Projets
    Geneva, 17 March 2012 – The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (UNECE Water Convention), adopted in Helsinki, Finland on 17 March 1992, celebrates…
  • Projets
    Geneva, 17 March 2012 – The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (UNECE Water Convention), adopted in Helsinki, Finland on 17 March 1992, celebrates…
  • Projets
    Plus de 150 films, en provenance de 40 pays, réalisés autant par des professionnels du cinéma, que des acteurs des enjeux de l'eau, des représentants de la société civile, des jeunes et des amateurs, seront en compétition. 17 Prix en argent, d'une…
  • Projets
    En total: más de 150 filmes, provenientes de 50 países.   Los temas: mitos y leyendas acuáticas, baños públicos, ritos y tradiciones, protección de las zonas húmedas, ecosistemas acuáticos, derecho de acceso al agua potable y al saneamiento,…