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    CUBAGUA 2019 propiciará y brindará todas las facilidades para el intercambio de conocimientos, la difusión de información actualizada y la promoción de tecnologías y productos asociados al manejo y uso del Agua. Será el escenario adecuado y propicio…
  • Event
    CUBAGUA 2019 propiciará y brindará todas las facilidades para el intercambio de conocimientos, la difusión de información actualizada y la promoción de tecnologías y productos asociados al manejo y uso del Agua. Será el escenario adecuado y propicio…
  • Event
    La Reunión de las Partes examinó los progresos realizados en la aplicación de la Convención y las actividades anteriores. Los delegados trataron una amplia variedad de temas, incluyendo el apoyo a la adhesión a la Convención y su implementación; la…
  • Event
    The Meeting of the Parties reviewed progress achieved in the Convention’s implementation and past activities. Delegates addressed a wide variety of topics including supporting accession to and implementation of the Convention; assessing the benefits…
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    The 5th European Water Conference aims to present and discuss progress in the implementation of EU water legislation. The event is jointly organised by the European Commission's Directorate-General for the Environment and the forthcoming Austrian EU…
  • Event
    The 5th European Water Conference aims to present and discuss progress in the implementation of EU water legislation. The event is jointly organised by the European Commission's Directorate-General for the Environment and the forthcoming Austrian EU…
  • Event
      The Conference brought together researchers and experts from many countries, inlcuding Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, France, Switzerland, and Austria.   The focus…
  • Event
      The Conference brought together researchers and experts from many countries, inlcuding Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, France, Switzerland, and Austria.   The focus…
  • Event
    18-19 мая 2017 года в Москве состоялась Международная конференция «Проблемы управления речными бассейнами в условиях изменения климата». Конференция, организованная в рамках Сети водохозяйственных организаций (СВО) стран Восточной Европы, Кавказа и…
  • Event
    International Conference on Source Water protection  ROBVQ Project The 4th International Forum on Integrated Water Management is looking for speakers. The event, wich is scheduled to be held in Quebec City from November 1st to 3rd, 2016, will…
  • Event
    The 4th International Forum on Integrated Water Management is looking for speakers. The event, wich is scheduled to be held in Quebec City from November 1st to 3rd, 2016, will address the source water protection issue.   The conference aims to share…
  • Event
    International Conference on Source Water protection  ROBVQ Project The 4th International Forum on Integrated Water Management is looking for speakers. The event, wich is scheduled to be held in Quebec City from November 1st to 3rd, 2016…
  • Event
    The 19th International Riversymposium will address some of the world's most pressing river basin management challenges. How can we best balance economic development with environmental and livelihood values in our own unique parts of the world ?  …
  • Event
    The 19th International Riversymposium will address some of the world's most pressing river basin management challenges. How can we best balance economic development with environmental and livelihood values in our own unique parts of the world ?  …
  • Event
    The 19th International Riversymposium will address some of the world's most pressing river basin management challenges. How can we best balance economic development with environmental and livelihood values in our own unique parts of the world…