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The transboundary (Dutch-German) 'Vecht Vision' describes in headlines what is needed to turn the Vecht again into a beautiful, safe river with clean water, healthy flora and fauna and as well as providing a prosperous economic environment. What and how to do this is not at all fixed yet. Ample of room is provided for new ideas and initiatives (
One of those new ideas and initiatives is the testing of an innovative approach for revealing what people value from their Vecht valley and how they value. Different people: different opinions. They all have a different perspective on that value. This was the opportunity to initiate a transboundary research project in 2011. The projects aim is to clarify what people who live in the Vecht valley regard as important for recreation or for earning money in that valley and thus to reveal how they 'value the valley'. There fore, this research question was posed to local farmers, anglers, entrepreneurs, NGOs, municipal civil servants and water managers, on both sides of the border. Through these individual interviews we now have a nice picture of what is valued. This confirms that different stakeholders value different ecosystem services provided by 'their' Vecht valley. And we see small differences between the Netherlands and Germany.